In Stock - Hens
In various colours.
A ornamental and docile hen..
Not good for muddy areas, due to feathers on feet..
Lay approx. 80-120 eggs a year.
Laying a tinted egg
In Stock - Hens
A alert & busy bird with a small appetite. But are good fliers & can fly uptp 2m. Good layers.
Lays a white egg.
In Stock - Growers
Good egg layers, laying 160-200 eggs a year...
Lay a dark brown egg.
A quiet temperament, rarely go broody..
Good layers 180-200 eggs a year.
Laying a white egg.
In Stock - Growers
These are spritely & alert birds.
Which rarely go broody.
Good layers
Laying a white egg.
In Stock - Hens
Wyandottes are docile birds and the hens are excellent broodies and make good mothers. They lay well and chicks tend to be strong and are quick growers.
In Stock - Growers
Lay a Blue/green egg
One of the most interesting quirks about Araucana chickens is that their chicks, once hatched, grow into mature chickens faster than other breeds of chickens. Araucana chickens are energetic yet friendly by nature making them perfect for families . And are great egg layers..